Danielle Jones Art and Design

Danielle Jones Art and Design

Thursday 10 September 2015

End of year two.. Beginning of year three..

As usual i've been tardy in making blog entries! I've been busy through spring and summer. I've learnt a lot this year including an introduction into the bronze pouring process. I've been experimenting with direct burn outs of 3D printed sculptures. As a whole, quite successful - could do with fine tuning and honing down.. But as an introduction - very impressed with the potential the process holds. The work is based around memorial. The sculptures are based on ancient egyptian 'Canonic Jars' which were believed to carry the viscera of the deceased to the afterlife. They would commonly feature the heads of the 'four sons of horus'. My design differs and features a dog and cats head which portray animal memorial. Potentially they could be used as urns for ashes or storage containers for keepsakes such as collars etc.

During my last term I managed to achieve my first, FIRST CLASS mark . I scored this within the professional practise module of the course. I've already started with the upcoming years enterprise module and organised a work placement with #SPLATCYMRU. I'm really exited to be working with them.. They are an art and design based company who work with adults and children to provide creative learning through various art and design activities. You can find them here - http://splatcymru.co.uk

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