Danielle Jones Art and Design

Danielle Jones Art and Design

Saturday 28 March 2015

Update 2015

A very over due welcome to my 2015 blog! I've been really busy with lots of new commissions and university projects!

I'm close to completion on the ' Kidwelly industrial cat' which i've been working on for the past few months now.. It has already been to it's first exhibition in January at Swansea Grande Theatre. There is another showing of the same exhibition 'Menagerie Gwyllt' at 'The Gate' in St. Clears in May, if you missed the one at Swansea. After that, the cat will be on display at Kidwelly Industrial Museum. The museum is where i drew the initial inspiration for the project. I took inspiration from the shapes and machinery as well as the traditional fabrication methods which would have been used there during the height of the tinplate industry. It's a really interesting site - and entry is FREE! I've been working on this as part of my Interpretive project for university. I've been experimenting with collage, different fabrication techniques and placement ideas.

In other news, I've been learning how to cast using the 'lost wax' method. Im currently studying for a creative project about animal memorial and will be casting various items in bronze.

I'm also nearing the end of my second year in university.. (Where did it go?!) I'm hugely optimistic for year three and have plenty more interesting things in the pipe line! Also - I will try my hardest to keep my blog up to date! Watch this space!

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