Danielle Jones Art and Design

Danielle Jones Art and Design

Thursday 16 October 2014

Sculpture Exhibition

As a part of my course, as a group we have to organise an exhibition of our work. We are currently looking for spaces to exhibit as well as sponsors. I've been a part of a small end of year show with Coleg Sir Gar in 2012.. This exhibition is really exiting for me. It's really made me think about my future and i can't wait to get stuck in. I've put myself forward to promote the event and produce advertising material. We are going to be holding a bake sale at a 'Day of the dead' Iron pour evening held at the college to raise funds for our exhibition. I'm looking forward to working with the rest of the sculptors, many of them seem to be quite enthusiastic. It's also quite interesting to be working with some already established artists and people who have put on shows previously, i feel like i will learn a lot!

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