Danielle Jones Art and Design

Danielle Jones Art and Design

Friday 7 November 2014


So i've been living in the workshop for the past week! Getting back into everything and getting the hang of all the machinery again. I actually ended up buying myself a little ARC welder to use at uni and home.. always comes in handy when others are using the equipment or i want to do a personal project at home! My sculpture is coming along great, really starting to come together.. Sorry! No sneaky peaks - you'll have to wait until the exhibition.. Which we've now set our first date for - from the 22nd January to the 31st at Swansea Grand Theatre. Also got back into using Zbrush today, i've only used it once or twice before but it's really interesting and i'm enjoying just having a play with it. I downloaded it's sister program 'Sculptris' which is just as good for beginners! For anyone that doesn't know, it's a 3D digital modelling program, which is handy for making maquettes before delving into your final material. Im lucky enough to be able to 3D print my work at a later stage as well, so watch this space for updates!

Friday 24 October 2014

Day of the Dead

Jobs well campus celebrated day of the dead yesterday with an Iron pour. In addition to this there were all sorts of activities, stalls and promotions running. The sculpture department held the bake sale i previously mentioned to help raise money for next years exhibition. Minus costs i think we managed to raise about £100 which was a great kick off!! As well as the celebrations for day of the dead, we also had an open day, where colleges, schools and foundation students where invited to come and have a look around and try out some of the activities that would be on offer with a BA at Jobs well. I was asked by my lecturer Robert Harding to join the class and help him with the activities. It was a great opportunity to have a bit of teaching experience, as it's always been a job i'd considered for myself. Robert approached me at the end of the day and seemed to be very happy with my efforts with the other students. I've decided to apply to my previous school and see if they would be interested in offering me some work experience. As well as helping to guide the other students, i got stuck in myself and made a little scratch mould and a wire skull which you can see below. All in all, a great experience for everyone involved!

Thursday 16 October 2014

Sculpture Exhibition

As a part of my course, as a group we have to organise an exhibition of our work. We are currently looking for spaces to exhibit as well as sponsors. I've been a part of a small end of year show with Coleg Sir Gar in 2012.. This exhibition is really exiting for me. It's really made me think about my future and i can't wait to get stuck in. I've put myself forward to promote the event and produce advertising material. We are going to be holding a bake sale at a 'Day of the dead' Iron pour evening held at the college to raise funds for our exhibition. I'm looking forward to working with the rest of the sculptors, many of them seem to be quite enthusiastic. It's also quite interesting to be working with some already established artists and people who have put on shows previously, i feel like i will learn a lot!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Winner of RSPCA Calendar Competition

As encouraged by my lecturers, i've dipped my toe into the pool of projects and competitions. This is the first one I've entered. It was a competition to be featured in their 2015/2016 calendar. Our family previously rescued a dog from their Woodside Centre in Leicester in around 2002 so I entered an image of him and it was made a part of the final selection. It's now featured in the calendar and is available to buy from Woodside. All proceeds go towards the RSPCA centre to help care for the animals. As a winner my image was featured within the calendar with photo credit, a copy of the calendar and a canvas print of my image.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Returning to Study

Later on this month i will be returning back to study at Jobs well after a long 
absence due to illness. I'm glad to be back on track and i'm exited to get
stuck into some new projects! I'll be studying year two photography
and sculpture. I'm looking forward to being back in the studio where i belong! Watch
​this space for new projects, i'll keep you updated!