Danielle Jones Art and Design

Danielle Jones Art and Design

Friday 7 November 2014


So i've been living in the workshop for the past week! Getting back into everything and getting the hang of all the machinery again. I actually ended up buying myself a little ARC welder to use at uni and home.. always comes in handy when others are using the equipment or i want to do a personal project at home! My sculpture is coming along great, really starting to come together.. Sorry! No sneaky peaks - you'll have to wait until the exhibition.. Which we've now set our first date for - from the 22nd January to the 31st at Swansea Grand Theatre. Also got back into using Zbrush today, i've only used it once or twice before but it's really interesting and i'm enjoying just having a play with it. I downloaded it's sister program 'Sculptris' which is just as good for beginners! For anyone that doesn't know, it's a 3D digital modelling program, which is handy for making maquettes before delving into your final material. Im lucky enough to be able to 3D print my work at a later stage as well, so watch this space for updates!